ApE is free for all users. However, if you find ApE to be useful to you, I'm including a PayPal donation button.
If you would like to make a donation to me, please click the donation button.
If you prefer to be invoiced, please email me the amount you would like to be invoiced and the contact info for the invoice.
Some frequently asked questions about making a donation:
Do you have a suggested donation amount?
My suggested donations are $30 for an individual user, $100 for an academic laboratory (per principal investigator), $500 for commercial laboratories. However, this just a suggestion- the amount is totally up to you.
Does making a donation unlock any features in ApE that are not available to people who have not donated?
No. All currently working features are available to everyone.
What benefits do I get if I make a donation?
In a physical sense nothing that you don't already have. In a meta-physical sense, a potentially improved self-image and sense of well-being. Also, the level of community interest expressed by donations will encourage future development of the program.
I'd like to see a specific new feature in ApE. Do I have to make a donation for you to consider my request?
No. I'll consider all user requests on an equal footing. At this time, features are added as I find the time, ability and interest, without regard to any monetary contributions.
Are my donations tax deductible?
No. While I make little money, I am not a registered non-profit.
Can I have a receipt for my donation?
PayPal should email you a receipt for your donation.
Do I need a PayPal account to make a donation?
No. You can simply enter credit card information and PayPal will process the transaction. If you have a PayPal account registered on the computer you are using to make the donation, PayPal will default to using that account. You can also chose to be invoiced (see above).
I live outside the United States; can I still make a donation?
Yes, since the donations are done through PayPal, I am able to accept contributions from many different countries (including the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, China, United Kingdom, Denmark, and others). PayPal will handle the currency conversion on your behalf. Additional information regarding currency conversion will be provided by PayPal after you have reached step 3 in the donation process. An additional fee will be deducted by PayPal for the conversion.
Do you get all of the money that I donate?
No, PayPal deducts a transaction fee ($0.30 + 2.9%). I get the rest.
Will my donation ensure future developments on ApE?
I will continue to develop ApE while I have an interest and I feel that there are things that need doing. The rate of donations might indirectly affect my attitude, but I make no guarantees.