4/20 Fix alignment bug where direction and selection were in the wrong order 5/3 Fix bug in Gibson set temp_info(overlap_len_display) "[expr {$k +1}] bp" Fix bug in gibson wizard- take out non feature tags in result 5/4 Change to spinbox in Gibson wizard Use Gibson wizard “add amplicon features” setting Golden Gate Designer window title 5/6/21 Bug in X-ray window features 5/7/21 Text map- show features bug/ get_tags_exact bug 5/11/21 Windows startup about window bug Digest Dialog 10 rows bug Scan FASTA, allow space in heading lines, convert U to T in search sequences 5/25/21 fast-scroll error bug Features with introns bug not getting fn tag bug? 5/26/21 Restriction ligation rev-com fragments bug 5/27/21 delete tags with introns bug Append non-feature tags to new sequence bug 6/2/21 Configure linear feature- feature type not set Typo in main menu “assembler” 6/15/21 GG designer bug- rev primer highlight wrong 6/16/21 bug in set origin: feature table not updated 6/18/21 bug in sequence alignment- gaps at start of line throw off feature highlighting by 1 7/7/21 bug in ORF info display that caused an infinite loop resizing the window 7/27/21 update bug in Diagnostic sites Bug in double-click edit primer sequence in PCR dialog 7/28/21 bug in golden gate enzymes- allowed 2bp overhangs Menu font size changes better, not allowed to change on aqua Menu icons show on aqua, fixed gibson etc. menu icons 8/03/21 Resize features window grows the window wider than tall 8/03/21 ABI window command-shift-N shortcut fixed 8/16/21 GG assembler allows non-directional fragments without warning About dialog donation link broken 8/18/21 Find primers dialog spinbox ranges set 9/2/21 Fix memory leak in Mac "Selection Translate" toggle 9/6/21 Start codon options set for ORF map and find next ORF 9/6/21 Mac quit uses system preferences for keep open windows, mac version doesn’t quit when last window is closed 9/7/21 ABI copy text 9/7/21 Enzyme dialog- quick add for several common Golden Gate enzymes 9/20 Molecular calculators in Help Menu- equimolar reactions etc. 10/12 Fixed bugs in molecular calculator when number fields are blank. 10/12 Fixed two bugs in Restriction Assembler. When opening a vector with a single cut and when inserting a linear sequence in reverse. 10/12 PCR tool primer sequences can have modifications noted by /xxx/ in them. They are ignored. 10/14 fixed bug in aligning to abi file 10/18 fixed bug when pasting genbank file with “>” in comments 10/22 added Dark mode explicit set 10/26 Fixed abi scaling sliders handles not visible bug 12/6 Fixed new feature $clip bug 12/6 Alignment mismatch uses degenerate code in reference sequence 12/6 Fixed Macvec_ints missing bug 12/29 Fixed feature scan bug infinite loop for long presequences 12/29 Fixed bug: cut recognition sites at the start making zero length fragments 1/2/22 Fixed bug: pdf saving with a font that had spaces in the name 1/13/22 Feature scan now works with an amino acid feature definition (requires hand-edited feature libraries for now) 1/13/22 File import now accepts SBOL v1 files (with feature ranges that have explicit values) 1/28 Fixed scrolling bug in diagnostic sites 1/28/22 Sorted output in diagnostic sites 1/28/22 Copy molecular reaction calculator to clipboard 1/28/22 Show molecular reaction calculator to qr code 1/28/22 Fill molecular reaction calculator from GG reaction, gel drop, window sequence 1/31/22 Print option from the main sequence window menu 2/2/22 Added "print…" to the main menu of sequence windows. 2/2/22 Added "Edit Features…" back to the Features menu. 2/15/22 Feature scan adds primer sequence into qualifier data 2/15/22 Quick-PCR function in feature table 2/15/22 Golden Gate assembler calculates a reaction efficiency based on NEB data 2/16/22 Added a dialog to edit the current enzymes set (not groups) 2/23/22 Changed how typing or pasting a sequence works- Typing in the middle of a feature adds the feature tag to the new text; typing outside of a feature, even at the edge doesn’t add. Pasting into the middle of a feature adds an intron to the feature instead of breaking it into two features. 2/23/22 Bug in deleting text- deleting an intron via keyboard or paste didn’t re-format the feature to be represented intronless internally (fn tag wasn’t removed) 2/25/22 fixed bug in deleting the last qualifier of a feature in the edit qualifiers dialog 2/25/22 mandatory qualifiers are now added to features in the edit features dialog or when changing feature type in the feature table 3/10/22 Fixed bug in setting dark mode in Windows 3/10/22 Added rev-com translation of abi sequence in tooltip popup in alignment windows 3/10/22 Fixed bug with degenerate bases near the end of a fragment in the GG designer 3/10/22 Preferences>Files can now move the Default Feature and Default Enzymes directories to a user-accessible location. 4/6/22 Fixed a bug in alignment tooltips with a reverse-complemented abi file 4/6/22 Added cSEGUID checksum feature 4/13 Alignment- best direction and aligning to circular template now working 4/28/22 Fixed bug in opening fasta files 5/17/22 Fixed bug in graphic map causing lock-up on mouse-over of features in small circular maps 5/17/22 Fixed bug in opening files by double-click on non-English Windows systems. 5/18/22 Added configuration of label boxes to circular and linear maps 5/20/22 Fixed bug in circular graphic maps applying feature color to labels and connectors 5/25/22 Added option of linear products in Golden Gate Assembler 5/26/22 Fixed bug in “File Open…” dialog when no windows are open on the mac 6/1/22 Fixed a bug in reading Snapgene files 6/15/22 Fixed a bug in linear maps that didn’t draw the first intron if the first exon begins at the first base of the sequence. 6/21/22 Fixed a bug causing major delays in pasting FASTA files 7/22/22 Fixed windows double-click to open files bug? 7/22/22 Fixed windows drag and drop files to open 7/22/22 Fixed bug: scrolling not working when the mouse leaves a sequence are on Mac. 11/9/22 Digest dialog preserves last enzyme selection if no enzyme selection is set. All open windows (up to 10) are populated into the dialog by default. 11/9/22 FASTQ files can be opened as locked sequences. Phred values are visible in X-ray and alignment dialog. Phred values less than a threshold can be searched and can be added as features. 10/01/23 Fixed bug where double clicking in Mac finder would not open file correctly 10/01/23 Added option to use existing restriction fragment in Golden Gate Designer tool 1/12/24 Option to load oligos in Golden Gate assembler tool- looks for hybridizing pairs that can be used in an assebly 1/12/24 Updates to Molecular reactin calculator- shows molecular structure, new recipe multiplier function 1/12/24 New graphic map theme enging coming soon 1/12/24 Inline feature graphical representations coming soon